Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Change of Plans! Literally...

This week has been HORRIBLE with the house plan progress!!

It started off with the changing of plans and ended with a mess on our lot!

SO- we have decided to change house plans. Same architect, same home, just a variation of our previous floor plan.

Here is our new and improved floor plan. Let's hope this one makes it to production :)

As for clearing the lot- we thought we had a great deal on clearing 34! of our big trees. Turns out, the guy's a joke and all he did was create a MESS on our lot and accomplished NOTHING! So we are now in search of a new tree service. This is frustrating beyond my imagination. 

Good news is we will be building soon and I bought a bath tub yesterday :) I have been without a bath tub for almost 3 YEARS now!!! That is an eternity for me. I like my showers, but I love my baths.

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